Care to expand on last send? Don't understand.... Is this about old floppy drives?

At 21:45 03/02/2008 +0000, you wrote:
I have lots of clients who have group policies that disallow usb removable media for (most clients).
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-----Original Message-----
From: "Rick Glazier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2008 16:47:21
Subject: Re: [H] Flash drive(s)

Some people think U3 drives are a security risk, and they are starting to be
blocked "certain places?" from being allowed to run their programs.

                                               Rick Glazier

From: "DHSinclair"

>I will soon receive several new USB 2GB flash drives (Crucial and Corsair).
> They are all newest(?) technology, I believe.  I suspect they may arrive
> pre-formatted with "stuff" (programs) I may not wish or need to
> use.  Looking for the collectives thoughts here......... :)
> Should I immediately re-format (erase) the new FD's upon delivery before I
> start to use them?
> I have been using a Crucial USB (v1.1) 256MB flash drive since Jan 2004. It
> works completely as expected in the USB v2.0 environs of my current
> clients.  This FD is now essential to me in keeping my LAN clients
> semi-neutral to on another, and, keeping critical data I choose NOT to
> store on any of my clients.
> I now depend on the FD more than the older floppy drives of old.
> Unfortunately, I have NOT been able to completely walk away from the old
> floppy drives yet.  BIOS updates still seem to work better from a floppy
> drive than from either a local (c:\) directory, or, from a Flash Drive.
> But, I am still testing this function.  In time, I believe the FD will
> eventually kill off the old floppy drive; but, that is JMHO.
> Best,
> Duncan

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