Thanks for that info. I was hoping that none of the new devices would be harnessed with "U3", but it has been some time since I've spent money on new tech (mostly old replacement stuff). Am happy to read that I might beat this latest trend. I will wait and see. At worst, I'll store Ben's share for future buys. At best, I get bigger versions of what I've been using/(testing) for the last 4 years. I can live with this! Thank you for this view. (BTW, Love the Matrox cards!!!!!!!!!).............. :)
At 16:27 03/02/2008 -0800, you wrote:
At 03:16 PM 3/2/2008, you wrote:
Thank you very much. I believe I now have at least the basics to figure this small new problem out. Yes, I do NOT wish any of the new FDs to "auto-boot" anything. I wish for them to be (appear) as just another "removable drive"

I think it is very unlikely that you ordered a U3 drive... they are more expensive then a regular drive, and you have to look for them. In the last six months I bought a 8GB PNY which is really slow and a 8GB Corsair which is really fast. Neither one of them is U3.

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