Yes, I'm being serious.  Ok, let's say $78 is the max you want to spend, and 
you have a new AGP video card you want to use.  Fine, you can grab an AM2 with 
AGP (they exist, SIS) for about $33.  Grab an AM2 Processor for $35, and a 
stick of 1G for $10.  Bam.  You just spent $78.  And you ended up with a 
LE-1150, yeah, a "blah" board but you support your video card, and off you go.  

Sure, you'd still be cooked to find out it was your power supply, which is a 
given, but on the other end, your DDR and other components (like the Asus 
board) would sell to make up about 1/2 the distance.


I'm not talking about spending a ton of money.. but an LE-1150, a chip you can 
grab OEM for less then $35, would be easily the equal and superior to a Sempron 
whatever SocketA, the board wouldn't be, but you'd keep the AGP card so who 
cares, and you'd get better SATA, USB, etc. support.  

Just saying, if your budget was $78, the combo is out there ;)


-----Original message-----
From: j maccraw [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 17:51:34 -0700
Subject: Re: [H] Need AMD XP Sempron CPU

> "Bite the bullet?" thanks Chris, you writing the check
> on that new system for 
> me? AM2, Are you serious? Personally I'm waiting for
> the Asus Rampage to ship & 
> I will build a Q6600 Intel system, screw AMD.
> Meanwhile the XP box is more than capable of playing
> HL2 at decent frame rates 
> and has a brand new AGP video card (had to replace
> that dead 9800) useless on a 
> PCI-E system. In other words perfect for the kids to
> game on, hell it's been 
> enough for me.
> So no I did not want to spend $75 on a CPU only to
> find it was another shit 
> Antec PSU that is now out of warranty. Certainly did
> not want to then have to 
> spend another $50-60 on the seemingly no longer made
> by any quality company ATX 
> 1.3 PSU. To dump an otherwise functional system over
> $150 in repairs to keep it 
> running vs. $1000+ for new makes no sense to me esp.
> with two kids and only one 
> other game pc in the house.
> Saving grace, I may be able to resell the XP-M that is
> not the problem after 
> all. I know I could resell the Sempron & break even
> despite Chris' surprise. ;)
> Chris Reeves wrote:
> > $78?!?!?!  Seriously a le-1640 at $25 less would
> wipe the floors.  Just bute the bullet go am2 and be
> done. :)
> > Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: j maccraw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> > Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 17:46:55 
> >
> > Subject: Re: [H] Need AMD XP Sempron CPU
> > 
> > 
> > Yes, silly me! Picked up a new Sempron 3300+ for $75
> > which is essentially a XP
> > 3200+ Barton. Unfortunately it ended up being my
> (2nd)
> > shit Antec TruePower 480W
> > toasting caps on the 5V rail which is what Asus
> A7N8X
> > uses for vcore causing the
> > problem.
> > 
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