The number that you enter is for the number of CAL's (Client Access Licenses) you own. A Windows license comes with 5 CAL's.

I always did per seat licensing, so that you'd only have to worry about a CAL for each computer accessing the server.

DHSinclair wrote:
I am rebuilding my win2KServer OS. I just rcvd the magic 25-digit key.
I entered it and now I am at a screen asking about Licensing Modes.

IIRC, the original server install was for 5 Clients and 25 concurrent connection.

Should I change the [ 5 ] to [25]??????

The window is default with ATM:

<o> Per Server. Number of concurrent connections [ 5 ]
       Each connection must have its own Client Access License (?CAL?)

< > Per Seat.
      Each computer must have its own Client Access License (?CAL?)

To avoid violation of the License Agreement, use Licensing (which is located in Administrative Tools) to record the number of Client Access Licenses purchased.

Thanks much. Yes, I am digging in my W2K Server book also.......

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