Yep - that's the other downside.  The Apple TV only really plays stuff
encoded with Apple's codecs.  If you've got WMV or XVID stuff then you will
have issues unless you hack it.

Many people don't realize that Apple does just as much monopoly lock-in as
Microsoft, it's just that they usually have a much more enjoyable (and
prettier) box to lock you into.

I've owned 1st Gen, 3rd Gen, and 5th Gen iPods and also 1st Gen iPhone.
Loved them all, especially once I got em hacked so I could do what I wanted
with that sexy hardware :)


On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 8:13 AM, Ben Ruset <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Most of my media is non-iTunes, and I've had to hack it to play various
> other media. Truth be told, I'm not very happy with it. A lot of media in my
> collection just won't play on it, due to the way it's encoded.
> Brian Weeden wrote:
>> That's a tough choice - Apple TV or the Popcorn Hour.  For me I went with
>> the Popcorn Hour because 99.9% of my media was non-DRM stuff ripped from
>> CDs
>> and DVDs or recorded TV shows.  While I used iTunes mainly for its podcast
>> subscriptions, I try and avoid purchasing content as much as possible.
>>  Not
>> because it's bad, but because I have a Linux laptop that I would like to
>> watch the content on.
>> But the Apple TV is a very appealing solution, especially if you have a
>> bunch of other Apple products and I hear it has very high spousal
>> approval.

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