$50 more I assume you meant! ;)

Brian Weeden wrote:
Every nerd with a web-cam wants to be the next Walt Mossberg :)

I agree that the Popcorn Hour isn't the most refined thing made, but it
worked well for me.  The software still needs a bit of polish but I can live
with that on a Rev 1 device.  The Apple TV (it's major competitor) is sexier
and slicker interface but has a lot more incompatibility issues and is $50.


On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 2:24 PM, maccrawj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

LOL "surprisingly, there's a lot room to add one of these"

Why, it is just a repurposed external drive case and a shitty one at that!
I Still say $179 is way too much for this device given it's construction
quality at the very least.

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