Interesting, sigh.  Seems to be the typical arguments for ATI:  It's
faster when it decides to work.

Once I bought an ATI TV card because it was cheap.  The software
caused all sorts of problems, did not work like anybody would want it
to, and, to top it off, 99% of all 3rd party TV software did not
support it.  Needless to say it's sitting in a bag in the drawer.
And, no, they never updated the software.

I really don't have a prejudice when buying hardware, however, when it
don't work, I don't feel the need to put any 'spin' on it.  My time is
valuable and a bargain is not a bargain (similarly 'best bang for the
buck' is not) when you have to put gobs of time into it and still not
have a lot of confidence it'll work.

Back to the original question (slightly modified):  Which is really
faster the GTX280 or the 9800GX2?  Depending on the benchmark, they
seem to be all over the place.  Of course, each site that does
benchmarking uses different hardware, settings, software, etc.

On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 11:26 PM, maccrawj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know I am over posting but IT'S NOT JUST THE HD4XXX BUT ALSO THE HD2XXX &
> Brian Weeden wrote:
> <SNIP>
>> I have heard that ATI's drivers are still spotty.  There actually is as
>> problem with the HD 4870/4850 where the driver won't properly spin up the
>> fan and the card gets really hot.
> <SNIP>

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