Excellent card with great value for those that game seldom yet it will also accelerate HD video if you watch Blue Ray movies.

DHSinclair wrote:
Let's say I have an old PCI video card. Let's say that I 'think' that it might be bad.
(it seems to be weak lighting up the display at post!)
But, I have this brandy, spanking, new set of toys that need a video card just to see if it even works...... :)

What are the chances that a suspicious, old, video card might do any damage to the
new collection of toys?

Yes, I am trying hard, not to drop coin on a really "new" PCIx model video card; yet!

Or, can you suggest a mid-grade current video card? The new toy is NOT an EXTREME GAMER, but I would like to view some simple web-based video; like UToob and/or dot-wmv like files.

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