Yeah agreed Brian.  XP64 is ROCK solid ( based on Win2003 kernel ) and I found 
good drivers for everything I own.

Current setup:

Areca 2 port PCI-E Raid card for RAID1 OS disk(s)
6G of Triple Channel OCZ PC1333 Ramz
620W 3 12V rails Corsair PSU
Asus P6T Deluxe X58 motherboard
* Onboard sound is ok
Intel Core i7 920 ( Have not overclocked yet, but I will muahahaha )
EVGA GTX280 1G blah blah
2x WD 150 Velociraptors for raid1 OS

I tried Vista twice and not only did it feel slow/bloated it had several 
annoying things which made me run back to XP.
I'm not saying I won't ever use Vista but until they pry XP64 from my cold dead 
hands or Vista starts looking like a
supermodel, I'm stickin where I am :)

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 11:04:22AM -0500, Brian Weeden wrote:
> One would hope by the second service pack they actually get it working right 
> :)
> I haven't found any real problems with Vista (aside from a handful of
> annoyances) but there still isn't anything to really make me recommend
> it over XP.
> ----
> Brian
> On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 10:58 AM, Rick Glazier <> wrote:
> > Things are getting better. It is becoming a mature OS.
> >
> >                                          Rick Glazier
> >
> > From: "FORC5"
> >>
> >> curious how that is working for ya ? I have that but am afraid to mess
> >> with it due to the stories I read about drivers and such.
> >> At 08:21 PM 12/17/2008, Bryan Seitz Poked the stick with:
> >>>
> >>> And I recommend installing neither ;)  I'm rolling with XP64 these days
> >>> as Vista is a complete
> >>> failure!
> >

Bryan G. Seitz

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