Yep, That's how I also do my wireless setups.
Change the SSID, no broadcast, MAC address filtering, 
and I also change the channel since everyone mostly 
seems to just leave them on channel 6..  :)

If someone wanted to bad enuff, they could still get in,
but I have not had any issues yet.  :)


Facts do not cease to exist just
because they are ignored.

From: Gary Jackson <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 7:01:06 AM
Subject: Re: [H] MAC Address Filter

     Two tips I have always heard for *wireless* networks, 1)  Turn off 
SSID broadcasting and use a unique SSID.  2)  If you have a static network 
( meaning that you are not adding and deleting a lot of devices ) use Mac 
Address Filtering.

      As a former Network Admin, I have not encountered the use of Mac 
Address Filtering as a security method for wired networks, probably because 
keeping it up to date would be more of a pain then it is worth.

      If you have disabled the wireless side of your router, I don't think 
you need to worry about it as it isn't accessible.


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