Like you, I share both your age and home design choices. No harm! No Foul !!!
I remain totally "wired" until someone can convince me otherwise.
You have me 1-up! My LAN is CAT6 IS running down the hall between my GBit switches and router.
One day, I may hire the contractor to "put it in the walls."
Some day soon..................... :)

Thank you. I know someone else that "at present" does WIRED. I was beginning to think I may have become a "last of a dying breed"............Very nice to know that Wired is NOT such a BAD thing!!!

At 07:17 04/29/2009 -0500, you wrote:

When I had my house built, I was able to have the house wired for Internet use in each room. For me at least, and possibly I am showing my age, I am not a big fan of wireless. Yes, I know that it is the way things are moving, but for me anyway...I prefer a wired lan and probably will stay that way as much and for as long as possible.


P.S.  As in all things....YMMV    ;-)

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