Dude, I don't want to get into a flame war with you but 3 countries have independently concluded that Intel bribed manufacturers to freeze out AMD in their distribution networks with so-called rebates and to delay the release of AMD based products. AMD didn't make crappy PC's with their products. They made some missteps along the way (Phenom I) as Intel did (Netburst) but AMD didn't attempt to bribe manufacturers to give preference to their products. Intel did and next March we're going to see Intel get spanked again in US court this time. The Ati division of AMD makes excellent GPU's and I predict that nVidia is going to have a rude awakening in the 4th quarter when DX11 high performance cards come out. Larrabee is going to get spanked by both camps when Intel realizes that using x86 to make a video card is another netburst dead end. ;-)

maccrawj wrote:
EU thinks anti-competitive the minute a company is successful & dominates based on customer choice.

I say "look at all the crappy PC's that could have been made with AMD chips these past 5 years (and some have been)! It's not been good for AMD these past ~5 years and it has a more to do with AMD than Intel, just look at them fraking up ATI.

Stan Zaske wrote:
Yeah, Intel has been in the news a lot lately and their poor decisions are costing them dearly. Japan, Korea and now the EU have concluded that they are anti-competitive. Next year I believe AMD will get their shot in court and I predict that Intel will again be held accountable. Imagine all the money that AMD lost over the past 5 years because of Intel's bribes to PC makers. Beginning to look like the GM of the semiconductor world minus the threat of bankruptcy of course.

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