Hello Steve,

Wednesday, July 1, 2009, 10:56:28 AM, you wrote:

> Today went down and looked at what Best Buy has for UPS's and a have a
> couple of questions.

> First, is it a good idea to buy a larger UPS and put two computers on 
> it?  The rationale is that one computer is on 24/7, but the other is on
> only when I'm working at it.  So, the 24/7 computer can have the UPS 
> shut it down, while I'll shut down the other by hand.  Or would it be 
> better to run each one off a smaller UPS?  I am assuming here that any
> UPS I get will have a USB connector to shut the computer down.  Doesn't
> seem logical otherwise.

> Second, what is the right size/power?  For getting things shut down, 10
> minutes is enough, I really don't imagine sitting playing Far Cry 2 for
> two hours, waiting for the power to come on.....

> Thanks....Steve

This is up to you - it's an opinion thing. Nothing here you mentioned
is mission critical. So I would just get something that fits your
budget. I have a 650 and a 1100 for 5 systems, a laptop, and two
monitors (1 is a 24 in CRT). When he power goes out, there is really
nothing to do but shutdown. So i just press the power button on each
of the systems - one right after the other. I also have two 'game'
systems that have their own 650's 19 and 24 in LCD's and the systems.
This gives me time to say "hey guys I just lost power" (yes, i use
these to keep my switches/routers up) and shut down.

However, if you want advice: 650 area
would work and 1100 area would be overkill. Just one unless you want
them both to have automated shutdown. If that's the case then you want
separate and just go lower end.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

"...now these points of data make a beautiful line..."

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