The iPad is NOT a computer, no matter how much The Steve or Apple marketing
says so.  It is not a tablet PC.

It is a consumer electronic device, akin to a Kindle or DVD player.  Think
of it in that context.  It is not meant to replace a computer or laptop as
it provides different, more specialized functionality.  Just like my Lenovo
x200t tablet and iPhone provide completely different functionality.  So the
reference to 1984 is not warranted IMHO.

Now, there is something to be said for consumer lock-in to Apple's world and
content delivery schemes (ie iTunes), but so far it has proved a far
smoother end user experience than anything else the general public uses to
provide multimedia content on a device.  Until something come along that is
easier to use for your average person, the public is going to be just happy
living in Apple's world.

Brian Weeden
Technical Advisor
Secure World Foundation <>
+1 (514) 466-2756 Canada
+1 (202) 683-8534 US

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 6:36 PM, maccrawj <> wrote:

> No rant, simple statement that no matter how good it just another PC with a
> different OS on it. Sad thing is we revert to 1984 pre-clone revolution if
> we go down this path hence no matter how good, it must die.
> That said Tablets interest me though my next portable likely will be an ION
> based netbook.
> On 1/27/2010 1:25 PM, Bino Gopal wrote:
>> So I'll bring it up: what do people think of the iPad?  I can already
>> guess
>> at the level of disinterest and disdain on this list (so no need to vent
>> it
>> here in response), so what I'm more looking for is more factual
>> evaluations
>> of the features and how it compares to equivalent solutions out there now,
>> or that people expect to come out in the next few months.
>> I have a T61 but it's getting old and would like to get a tablet PC-type
>> of
>> device, and am expecting that the upcoming Win7 tablets should blow the
>> iPad
>> out of the water in price and features right?  Anyone got their eye on a
>> particular one coming out soon?

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