Yeah, I have to agree but if you read as many hardware reviews as I do they practically say most will unlock and tout the bang for buck. I have a 0904 X3 720 BE that will unlock the 4th core stably and I bought it the same day NewEgg began to sell them. That was before anybody knew about ACC and unlocking cores/cache. I don't feel comfortable RMA'ing it as you say it works as advertised. Still, would have been nice to have a $104 quad core...

On 2/19/2010 3:04 PM, Greg Sevart wrote:
Unethical. If it runs at its designed and advertised specifications,
returning it for not exceeding them is just wrong. So is returning it for
any reason or invoking the warranty now that you have overclocked and
overvolted it, IMO.

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:hardware-] On Behalf Of Stan Zaske
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2010 2:35 PM
Subject: [H] New Phenom II X2 555 C3 revision

Well my new CPU came yesterday and it overclocks to 4 GHz stably with
1.4v which I don't consider excessive. However, it won't unlock the
other 2 cores so I expect there is a defect in 1 or more of the unused
cores. What is the collectives opinion on sending it back for a
replacement? Ethical or not? What would you do if you wanted a cheap
dually that you wanted to run as a quad? Thanks!

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