I have 7 clients. 6 of them are XP.
Yes, I can grab this file from any one of them.
Way to bad than all 7 are NOT the same.
I suppose my question is:
"Does XP need BOOT.INI to boot up?"
If so, I'm working on making this file come active.
More as I dig......... :)

On 03/17/2010 18:59, Robert Martin Jr. wrote:
Or grab one off another machine and look at the structure and make any drive or 
partition adjustments before copying to the dead box using a boot disk or bootcd


From: FORC5<fuf...@cox.net>
To: hardware@hardwaregroup.com
Sent: Wed, March 17, 2010 2:27:52 PM
Subject: Re: [H] Killed an Old Machine!

off the top of my head forget the commands but is possible to rebuild
the boot.ini from a repair console when u boot to the install disk,
lot easier then a repair install.


At 03:21 PM 3/17/2010, DSinc Poked the stick with:
Should I be stupid enough to DELETE a 'boot.ini' file on an XPpro
...do I have a chance of getting this machine back?

Can I use a Repair Install to fix this stupid USER error?

This is not cardiac arrest.
This is a very old and "dying" machine I forced to WinXP.
This is an Asus CUBX m/b (512MB).
This is an Intel P-3 800Mhz machine.
This is a machine that has been flakey for about 6 months!
This is a machine that does not like to 'Shut Down.'

I can totally loose all of the DATA on this machine! I backed this
machine up 2 days ago using my M$ backup logic.

Opinions welcome.
Viking Funeral is in the plan.......
(I get a Lian-Li case for a new toy!)

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