
On 03/29/2010 20:12, maccrawj wrote:
TB has a function where it only loads embedded images for people you've
added to your address book. This prevents "web bugs" from letting
spammers know you've open their message. More of a privacy protection
than anti-malware of course.

OK. Then this is my default mode for now. I check my addy book at regular intervals and cull either old folks or names I do not know or .... :)

Along with using the above I've setup mine so that plain text is my
default view and then added a button to "one time" toggle on HTML view
when I get email from sources that I trust to be sending me HTML email.
Interesting the differences between the plain text version and HTML
version as they are totally separate MIME section thus can actually
contain two different payloads. Viewing source makes this more obvious
and it just like HTML page's 'noscript' section vs. main page which
displays different versions when scripting is disabled.

Thank you. This is now scary. I am going to re-read this some more before I can ask for pending clarification. Why does simple communication have to be so tough? In NoScript I trust. It is a priority FF update here!
Do you mean that there is a NoScript for TBird too?

On 3/29/2010 7:21 AM, DSinc wrote:
Can you expand on your share. I do run NoScript and CS-Lite.
I do understand your focus on miscreant security.

Oddly enough, it appears that the "spam" filter at Yahoo stops
everything except email from my close friends, family, and the Hardware
Group. And, my family uses ESET, and my friends all use accepted A/V and
Malware apps.

Or, perhaps I may be whistling past the graveyard!
Is there much difference between /View/Simple HTML and /View/Full HTML?

On 03/28/2010 16:24, maccrawj wrote:
The way it was is the way it should be!

At the very least I hope you have NoScript, AdBlock and whatever
settings about not loading images from people not in your address book

Most all of the Outlook exploits come from the preview pane rendering
HTML. TB of course uses Firefox but still not something you want enabled
for every email that makes it's way to you inbox!

On 3/28/2010 4:42 AM, DSinc wrote:
Changed the View from Plain Text to Simple HTML.
Lower sub-panel is gone and pix now appear embedded.

On 03/27/2010 20:15, DSinc wrote:
My isp is ATT. They use Yahoo as their email support/provider.
Recently, after an extended local ATT outage (7 hours), I decided to
into the web-based ATT/Yahoo portal. Shocked I was.
Somehow 22 HWG emails were living in my "Spam" folder!
I got them released to my "Inbox" and have now seen them (finally)
locally via TBird. 1-DOWN!

The scary part is that I was driven through a blizzard of coding
about MY Yahoo email. I do believe that I have now stupidly dorked
something up!

All of my current email that contains embedded pix now come as a
text-only sub-frame, and, a new lower sub-frame that contain the
embedded pix.

I'd like to reverse this but do not know HOW?
YES, there was some argument about "sharing" my "pix" with EVERYONE.
I chose NO ONE!
Ideas? Suggestions? Solutions?

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