I bought a WD Mini in December for my SD TV and then in April when I got my Plasma I bought a WD Live. These things are the best piece of tech I have every bought. They earn their Maximum PC Kick Ass award. You plug it in to your TV, plug a USB drive in, and use it. They are brain dead to use, easier then a VCR. They are about the size of two packs of cigarettes and have a tiny remote that disappears in a shirt pocket. They have supported any file I have asked them to play and I record 1080i TS files off of cable. They playback flawlessly.

The Live lets you plug in a two USB drives, I use WD externals and Corsair Flash drives because they turn on and off automatically with the WD Live, get a new small WD drive and you don't need a power adaptor. The Live has a network connection so you can get Netflicks, Amazon, Utube and Bios updates. I have not used network features much at this point as I tend to just put stuff on the external hard drives and I have an unresolved issue with my LAN network... not the WD

The only issue I have with the Live is the way it plays ISO files. My WD mini plays them just like a DVD with menus while the Live plays them from start to finish ignoring the menus. There is a lot of complaints about this and hopefully it will be addressed in a future Bios update. However, I worry that this might be this way to appease manufacturers and avoid a law suit.

I know high end BD players have external hard drive and network support... I have one. But mine is nothing like the ease of use and simplicity of the WD players. Andy you get all this for around 50 bucks for the mini and 120 bucks for the Live... cheaper on sale...they are a fantastic.


At 10:11 AM 7/8/2010, you wrote:

Hey guys, so I guess I'm getting persnickety in my "old-age" (I use that term loosely, k? :P).

But dealing with computers and tech stuff all the time has meant that I have little patience for futzing around with stuff and wanting to tweak things and mess with all the details and whatnot-I mean I still do it when needed, but I don't go out and look for it, and avoid it if I can...

So I'm not so into building the PC-I'll just buy it all ready to go and hope it has as few problems as possible (there are still always some that need work).

Similarly, while I could build a HTPC for my HT to play any video files (for missed TV shows and all that), I'd like to avoid that as much as possible, as long as I can get something that'll do the job with minimal fuss. Sadly, I've lacked the ability to do this (play PC video files easily), and have to manually connect my laptop via VGA to my Samsung 60" DLP whenever I want to play files of stuff I've missed, so it's a bit of a PITA...

But then I came across this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003MVZ60I/ref=cm_cr_asin_lnk

The WD TV Live Plus! The reviews are really great for something this simple, and it sounds like it'll play just about any format of video file from my PC w/o me having to futz with dl'ing codecs and all that (and even plays .iso files directly with DVD menus too!).

So is this the device I want-the one "true" device?! :P I figure a few other people here must've looked into things like this, especially to keep it simple for wives/GFs. ;) I keep hearing the "POPCORN" mentioned in the reviews, but apparently it's vaporware. And at $120 shipped from Amazon in 2 days (I have Prime), I'm ready to pull the trigger, but figured I'd check with the collective for thoughts first...

So any opinions, thoughts, shares regarding this device and the state-of-the-art in this area (or recommendations for better devices) are much appreciated. Thanks all!


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