It's Intuit... We use Quickbooks (old version even) and it needs .NET

I guess the .net service packs / new versions are not successfully installing 
over windows update?


On Aug 9, 2010, at 9:34 AM, DSinc wrote:

> Joe/Bobby/Rick/Scott,
> We can close this thread. I'll figure something out.
> I understand. Yes, I started using a program that needed dot-net 2 years ago. 
> Probably still use, but can not recall which ATM.  Could be Mozilla TBird, 
> Intuit, Nolo, Bond Wizard, or, some subtle change my online banking software 
> implemented in a major update years back. Sorry. Stuff happens. LOL!
> I asked here and was convinced to just start using I have seen no 
> negative behavior since. I started at v1.1. I seem to be at v3.x sp1 now on 
> my main office client.
> The newest version 4.x does not work with XP. Fine. No issue.  I am 
> completing a new build of XP on what has turned out to be a very challenging 
> set of hdw.  Years back I researched dot-net via MS KB's. I was lead to 
> believe I DID NOT have to re-install all the previous versions of dot-net to 
> come current; that all new versions contained all the necessary links and 
> bits of the old version. OK. That makes sense. It just does not seem to 
> work....... Fails to install ATM.
> Summary:  I'll just reload v1.1 base and wait for MS to decide what else is 
> necessary!
> Thanks,
> Duncan
> On 08/08/2010 17:34, Joe User wrote:
>> You will be assimilated.
>> Sunday, August 8, 2010, 1:33:25 PM, Bobby wrote:
>>> The .Net libraries are kind of like the C libraries of old.  The libraries
>>> contain methods that the calling programs can use.
>>> Bobby

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