I have no problems installing 4.0 on my XP VM at home or XP PC at work.

-----Original Message-----
From: hardware-boun...@hardwaregroup.com
[mailto:hardware-boun...@hardwaregroup.com] On Behalf Of DSinc
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2010 9:35 AM
To: hardware@hardwaregroup.com
Subject: Re: [H] MS dot-NET

We can close this thread. I'll figure something out.

I understand. Yes, I started using a program that needed dot-net 2 years 
ago. Probably still use, but can not recall which ATM.  Could be Mozilla 
TBird, Intuit, Nolo, Bond Wizard, or, some subtle change my online 
banking software implemented in a major update years back. Sorry. Stuff 
happens. LOL!

I asked here and was convinced to just start using dot.net. I have seen 
no negative behavior since. I started at v1.1. I seem to be at v3.x sp1 
now on my main office client.

The newest version 4.x does not work with XP. Fine. No issue.  I am 
completing a new build of XP on what has turned out to be a very 
challenging set of hdw.  Years back I researched dot-net via MS KB's. I 
was lead to believe I DID NOT have to re-install all the previous 
versions of dot-net to come current; that all new versions contained all 
the necessary links and bits of the old version. OK. That makes sense. 
It just does not seem to work....... Fails to install ATM.

Summary:  I'll just reload v1.1 base and wait for MS to decide what else 
is necessary!

On 08/08/2010 17:34, Joe User wrote:
> You will be assimilated.
> Sunday, August 8, 2010, 1:33:25 PM, Bobby wrote:
>> The .Net libraries are kind of like the C libraries of old.  The
>> contain methods that the calling programs can use.
>> Bobby

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