LOL! The connectors used in modular are not going to cause resistance problems, keeping track of the cables might be an issue for some. Not enough of a reason to not use modular IMHO, the only reason I can see is if price is higher for same PSU to be modular. If the connectors are standard enough, then it would not be an issue of tracking cables "specific to one PSU".

An unstated benefit so far is that many less unused connectors to potentially short out to a random screw or something by being shoved into dark recesses. Another is instead of using molex splitters you can simply make a custom cable from the PSU to devices with everything you need.

On 9/1/2010 12:04 PM, Greg Sevart wrote:
Over enough systems, they will cause issues. I appreciate that they may not
be a concern to you, but my priorities and requirements are different. I
also don't care about airflow--I watercool. I have too many cables to easily
keep track of the cables specific to one PSU.

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:hardware-] On Behalf Of Anthony Q. Martin
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: [H] Modular PSUs?

   How much extra resistance are you talking about here?  What is the
likelihood of a failure due to these extra connections?
Also, throwing the cables in a cable draw doesn't create much of a keeping
track of problem.  Using only cables you need ATM certainly helps with
clutter and improved air flow. I see no downsides to modular.

On 8/31/2010 11:55 PM, Greg Sevart wrote:
I must be old school. All else being equal, I'd rather have a
non-modular unit. I'd prefer not to have the extra resistance, extra
point for failure, and extra crap to keep track of, but that's me. I
also tend to use most of my connections, and always end up needing Y's
for drives.

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