I can't offer you any specific recommendations, but you might want to check out -
GPU Review - http://www.gpureview.com/show_cards.php

It allows you to compare specs of two video cards against one another, points you to review sites, offers recommendations by price range, has a forum, etc.


At 03:29 PM 8/26/2013, Winterlight wrote:
I want to replace my two ATI 5750 cards Crossfire with a single Nividia card that is capable of driving three large monitors plus the HDMI. Gaming is not an issue as long as I keep the performance I have now.

So what is the best way to compare...Core clock? So if my 5750 cards run at 650Mhz times two...can I say a comparable card with be a GTX 650 which runs at 1058Mhz core clock. Does that make any kind of sense?

What are the best, most reliable manufactures for Nvidia video cards? right now I am focusing on EVGA

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." (Benjamin Franklin, 1755)

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