Sotoday I did my normal clean-up of my PC. For s&g's I ran my epbfi (ISP) speed test.
I got numbers back made very little sense to me:
upload speed: 14.3 mbps (s/b 100mbps)
download speed: 341mbps (s/b 100mbps)
download capacity: 1680mbps (WTF?)

Odd to me because I pay for 100mbps synchronous service; but, I heard a rumorthat my ISP was going to
double my speed by 2x in the futurefor the same price. Fine.

So, I call my ISP's tech shop. I get 'Vincent.' He explains that I now have 1000mbps service, no charge. Well, dang! I explain my confusion. 'Vincent' asks me if I can allow him to speak to my router remotely. Since I trust that I am still speaking to my ISP (who is also my electric service supplier), I ask what does this involve? He offers to send me an email explaining it all. Fine. I get an email from EPB Support. 'Vincent' asks me to download and launch the 1st link:
I do this. Suddenly, my mouse pointer is moving and windows are opening. 'Vincent' then asks me for my router's LAN creds. I share them and soon 'Vincent' is in my router. He finds and disables my QOS settings. Fine. He then digs into my browser and checks its' specs. The next thing I see very quickly isthat I am upgrading my Java business to v7 upd40! What? Then, 'Vincent' re-enables some Java-related plugins/extensions I had disabled. Whatever, my hands are in my lap! 'Vincent' is driving my PC
from 10-miles away in the EPB Tech-shed! Am I a bit creeped out? Yes.

The second link is the home page for the product. (Easy remote control & collaboration)
The product is 'TeamView.' I think it is a remote access app. I get it, but since I am speaking to my ISP, I feel safe. I assume he already knows everybody else on my LAN. I know, 'tin-hat.' Bad me. And, he never goesanywhere else. Cool. Mind you, we are talking on the phone the whole time. I am still in shock-mode!

The router comes back online and 'Vincent' launches a 'new-2-me' speedtestfrom OOKLA. The specs reported caused me to ask if I had died and gone to the happy hunting grounds! 'Vincent' confirmed that the numbers were true and how my future service would be. The numbers were 607mbps upload/627mbps download. To me, this is 6x increase to what I have lived with since I joined the 'fiber' world. I always knew this fiber-optic business was where to go,but, DAMN! I'm sold. And, it cost me not a dime. Just a phone call to tech support and an afternoon session with 'Vincent.' Let's just say that I am a much happier camper.............................. :)

I've scanned my PC and see no footprints/remnants of anything 'teamviewer' even though I know that I actually launched it directly from my desktop.

I am still in shock. I may calm down by Monday. Thanks for listening. Any opinions about "Teamview' gratefully accepted, cuz I have now been
manipulated by it via my ISP.
Thank you,

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