I mostly avoid Tiger Direct. I don't bother with rebates, but deal forums
are full of complaints about them rejecting/delaying store rebates--which is
saying something, since rebates are mostly a crap shoot to begin with. To
me, that suggests a shady company that I'd rather avoid. I think it may have
been TD that my brother had a real fight with on a large order--it took the
CC company getting involved to get relief.

Amazon, Micro Center (local B&M), Provantage, Newegg...in that order of
preference. I've had several beefs with Newegg--years ago, they used to ship
almost everything free 2-day, but now most items are not free and those that
are typically use one of the USPS hybrid services, which are exceedingly
slow. My complimentary ShopRunner membership has shielded me from this one
recently. They also were notorious for using appallingly bad packaging on
OEM/barebones HDDs--this one has been mitigated with their new purpose-built
HDD carrier. Finally though, their prices on hot new gear is tantamount to

Newegg used to be great, but they are but a shadow (or a shell?) of their
prior selves. Amazon gets the overwhelming majority of my business, even
though they charge tax. I honestly buy less tech than I used to. As PC gear
has become mostly commodity and I'm either too busy or too lazy to install
half the things I do buy, a lot of the excitement has worn off.

-----Original Message-----
From: hardware-boun...@lists.hardwaregroup.com
[mailto:hardware-boun...@lists.hardwaregroup.com] On Behalf Of DSinc
Sent: Friday, May 2, 2014 4:20 PM
Subject: [H] Query?

I have fired NewEgg.com. My Newegg account has been 'blocked' per
mutualagreement. Zero future use.
They caused me way too much Customer Service grief. The bottom line was
linked to 'invoices.'
Fine. My last order was 3/3/14(ordered/received/done). I will work on having
them delete/erase my data from their servers.
Not expecting a happy result. 

Does anyone have any GOOD or BAD to share about Tiger Direct, Inc.???  I
believe they are located in Miami, FL, or, there abouts. I can still use
Amazon.com, and/or, Provantage (and pay more).

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