Yeah 2.2 TB & larger.
Yeah & 128 & 256 GB SSD's are all I can afford! lol
In fact, a new 256GB SSD is what spurred this whole thing to happen.
I googled for a few days, one search leading to another. Very

joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [H] GPT_disk_moving?!
> From: DSinc <>
> Date: Thu, July 10, 2014 9:29 am
> To:
> JoeUser,
> Thanks for the share, but, your mention 2.2 and larger SSD's.
> What is your perspective? Are you talking Tera-Bytes?
> Understand the '64bitOS' share, but, most, if not all of the
> Collective is/has moved to 64bit.
> I am installing 128GB and 256GB SSD's. That is about as large as I
> can deal with (mentally) ATM.
> Yes, I do see how the 'old' *M*aster *B*oot *R*ecord, or the new *G*UI 
> *P*artition *T*able,
> wherever they physically live can easily get out of hand (dorked up!).
> Still confused!
> Thanks,
> Duncan

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