Re: #2 - Yes, Alder Lake (12th gen) is definitely worth $200 more. I'm even 
going to be upgrading from my Zen3 5950X to a 12900K. However, the hybrid 
architecture is tripping up DRM for some games, so validate your titles before 
executing. You can probably assume anything newish either will work OOB or will 
be patched though.

AMD is also going to be adopting a hybrid architecture with Zen 5.

-----Original Message-----
From: Hardware <> On Behalf Of Bino 
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2021 4:22 PM
Subject: [H] New gaming PC specs/recommendation for Bino?

Hey guys, hope you all had a good Thanksgiving!

I wanted to get a new desktop gaming PC-I decided to split the laptop and 
gaming, so I got an LG Gram 17" laptop for work/mobility (still need the screen 
size and resolution for emails and browsing-but I love how light it is!) so now 
I want to build a decent gaming system that will last me a while...

I wanted to spend like $2500 but the specs I'm coming up with for what seem 
like I decent system are coming out to more like $4k and I'm wondering if I 
really need to spend that much...

I used 4 years ago to buy my MSI GS73VR gaming laptop (that is 
still going strong and it's what I'm writing this email on-well, after lots of 
repairs at the local MSI repair shop, heh) and I spent about $3k on it in March 
2017, and that was the last computer I'd bought until I got the Gram for $900 
last month at Costco, so it's served me well.

So here's the configs I came up with with the guy at xoticpc

12th gen:
11th gen:

They're basically the same system, using this Fractal Torrent glass case as the 

which they call the GX18 Torrent model on the xoticpc site.  I upgraded both 
systems with a GTX 3080, i7, MSI Carbon MBs, ASUS Thor 850W PS, 32GB Corsair 
RAM in 2x16, a 1TB Samsung 980 Pro Gen 4 (no other SSDs/HDs), kept the 
integrated sound, USB wireless dongle (no cost), upgraded the thermal paste, 
kept the AIO cooling loop, and upgraded to Win 10 Pro 64-bit.

The difference b/w the two configs is the newer gen chipset/MB, CPU and faster 
RAM: Z690 vs Z590, 12th vs 11th gen Intel CPU, 5.2k vs 3.6k MHz RAM-and $200 
more for the 12th gen stuff...

So the main questions are:
1)      Did I basically spec things out right for gaming and is this what a new 
gaming system should cost about now given parts shortages and GPU prices (damn, 
they're expensive!)?  Are there any major things any of you would 
2)      If I stay with this config, is the extra $200 worth it to go from 11th 
gen to 12th gen and the new MB and smaller CPU die size worth it for 
future-proofing and upgrading?
3)      Anything that I missed here?  Any recs on better parts?  Better place 
to buy from?  I was going to get another MSI system but the tech (Eric F, same 
guy I spoke to over 4 years ago, which is cool) said that MSI generally uses 
the minimum spec parts and isn't as customizable and that building with xoticpc 
you can select better stuff (like the ASUS Thor PS, etc) so I went with the 
xoticpc custom build as I saw that to be the case...

Any thoughts/help/feedback much appreciated!  Cheers all!


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