Saya sudah kirimkan lagi inisiasi LoF untuk Tirtha, bisa diambil kapan saja
dalam 2 hari kedepan.

Love, Harmony and Light,

~ Be thankful for what you have, not sad about what you don't have ~

2009/6/9 Tirtha Bhuwana <>

> Dear Mas Christ,
> Saya kebetulan ada kegiatan yg membuat saya ngga bisa mengambil dalam
> posisi
> meditasi. Cuma saya niatkan aja.
> Apa keambil ngga ya ?
> Terimakasih sebelumnya
> Salam harmonis,
> tirtha

** In this age of Aquarius, science will become religious, and religion will 
become scientific. Disagreements between science and religion will come to an 
end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are 
derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal 
Energy **

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Daftar yg membutuhkan Healing :
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