-----Original Message-----
From:   Weldon Washburn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Tue May 17 23:53:28 2005
To:     harmony-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject:        Re: Developing Harmony

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Geir Magnusson Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 3:22 PM
>To: harmony-dev@incubator.apache.org
>Subject: Re: Developing Harmony
>On May 16, 2005, at 11:51 AM, Ben Laurie wrote:
>> I'm pretty sure we want a framework in C/C++, whatever components  
>> are developed in.

If it's an "either Java or C/C++" question, I would choose C/C++.  At
this point in time, I worry about the logistics of building a
productizable JVM written in Java.  For example, would we be able to
sort out the boot protocol of a JVM written in Java quick enough to
keep the attention of everyone currently interested in Harmony? 
Writing the JVM in Java might limit JVM components that could be
donated to Apache.  For example, it might not be possible to reuse the
code for a JIT or GC written in C/C++.

In the long term, it would be nice if we could define interfaces such
that Harmony could evolve into being written mostly in Java.  Perhaps
the interfaces between internal JVM components can be defined such
that a component can be written in Java or C/C++.  Perhaps a good
place to start is to define the JIT/VM interface such that a JIT can
be written in Java or C/C++.  Thoughts?

>> Question to the floor: if it had to be one of C and C++, which  
>> would you prefer?
>Oog. <grunt> Thog like to bang rocks, but Thog also like inheritance,  
>ABCs and generics.
>Geir Magnusson Jr                                  +1-203-665-6437

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