Hi all,

I imagine I'm not alone in thinking that there are a great many
concrete things people can be working on right away, even while
discussion on key design issues continues.  It would be good to have a
work list of concrete work items that eager folks can go to.  So I'll
stick my neck out and throw out a list of a few tasks that can be
worked on right away.  These include prototyping, research and
improvements to existing infrastructure. I have not included broad
design issues on there since design issues are not "projects", but the
subject of large scale discusion.

Among the items listed below, I have included items from MMTk and
Jikes RVM and I'm hoping others will do the same and add items from
other projects that work towards the goal of contributing to the
Harmony project.  I hope everyone feels free to add to the list with
any work items they can think of (and argue for the removal of items
if they want).  This is just a start.  The list definitely needs
improving and growing, but at least there is no reason for anyone to
be sitting on their hands ;-)

What do people think?


. prototype backend generator [prototype]

 Explore Ertl & Gregg's work to develop a "backend generator" which
 leverages the portability of gcj to automatically generate backends
 for a simple JIT.  The semantics of Java bytecodes are expressed
 using Java code, and then gcj is used to generate code fragments
 which are then captured for use by a simple JIT (Ertl & Gregg used C
 and gcc, but with vmmagic support, Java and gcj would be nicer).
 See also


http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-harmony-dev/200505.mbox/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

. vmmagic support for gcj [gcj]

 Implement the vmmagic unboxed types in gcj, so they are compiled to
 unboxed native operations (eg Address.loadInt() will perform an
 integer load from an address value, and all instances of Address
 will appear not as object instances but as 32/64 bit primitives).


 This will allow gcj to be used to build Java code which uses the
 vmmagic primitves.  Thus gcj could be used to build a virtual
 machine image, an interpreter, or be used to automatically generate
 a compiler back end.

. bytecode optimization [reserach]

 On architectures where there is no high performance JIT, the
 performance of the interpreter or simple jit (see backend generator
 project) will be the limiting factor.  (High performance JITs are
 heavyweight and inevitably will only exist on the architectures were
 there has been demonstrated demand for it). Since a simple
 interpreter or simple JIT has very limited opportunity for
 optimization, it may be very important to perform bytecode
 optimization.  There are a number of toolkits including bloat and


. dynamic loading VM components and libraries [research]

 Whether built in Java, C/C++ or a mix, harmony should probably have
 strong support for dynamic loading and sharing of precompiled
 "libraries" designed in from the begining.  This is a very
 interesting problem space, possibly made more interesting by
 JSR-121.  Jikes RVM, for example, mmaps a monolithic image
 corresponding to a lot of precompiled and initialized classes.  ORP
 dynamically loads components such as the JIT.  Generalizing these
 ideas would be enormously helpful to harmony. Minimizing the
 footprint of the VM, particularly in the context of multiple VMs is
 interesting.  There are complex issues associated with class
 initialization and related code optimization issues (a static final
 field that is initiated in a context sensitive way can't be constant
 folded by an optimizing compiler except in a context specific
 way---in other words the optimization would have to be ignored or
 else separate code would have to be generated for each instance).
 This also stirs up questions of heap and memory layout, the location
 of class fields versus code etc etc.  There is a lot here.  It is
 very important and very interesting.  As far as jsr 121 goes, it is
 important to note that Doug Lea is involved in both Harmony and the
 JSR proposal.


. benchmarks [dacapo]

 Good benchmarks are essential.  A major effort has been underway in
 the DaCapo group to put together a new benchmark suite.  Plans are
 to relicense this under the Apache license.  The suite badly needs
 new packaging and a new harness and is looking for someone to pick
 up the ball and run with it.  Many of the constituent benchmarks are
 drawn from the Jakarta project.


. Generalize object model abstraction [mmtk,ovm]

 There are many different object models (ways of laying out an
 object, its header and associated metadata).  A good GC toolkit
 should be able to abstract over the various object models a host VM
 may implement.  Providing a suitably high level abstraction without
 performance penalty is an important item on the MMTk todo list.
 This sort of generality is something the OVM project has focussed


. MMTk as .so [mmtk]

 Build MMTk as a .so, ideally adding new pragmas so that barriers and
 allocation sequeneces are materialized as inlined C in mmtk.h.
 Builds on prior work by Robin Garner and Andrew Gray.  Will allow
 MMTk to be linked into C-based VM's.


. jikes rvm opt modularization [jikesrvm]

 The Jikes RVM optimizing compiler is one of the valuable aspects of
 Jikes RVM.  If it is to be reused by harmony it needs to be properly
 modularized.  This project will involve "normalizing" the code
 (getting rid of Jikes RVM-specific idioms and ideosynchrosies) and
 clearly defining the module.  In addition to extracting one of the
 most important


. remove dependency on jburg in jikesrvm [jikesrvm]

 iburg is a widely used bottom up re-write tool used to produce code
 generators.  Jikes RVM added some extensions, known within jikes rvm
 as jburg.  There also exists a tool called jburg which is a java
 implementation of the original burs work (not directly derived from
 iburg, but written from scratch on the basis of the orginal Fraser,
 Hansen and Proebsting paper.


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