Rodrigo Kumpera wrote:

Last time I checked, no one, nether me or you, is developing code agains the TCK, but to a real JVM. And as hard as we may try, sometimes we end with software that depends on unspecified behavior. So it's better try to be "bug compatible" too.

No, I don't agree on this either. Dalibor already mentioned several good reasons why Harmony should not try to be implementation compatible with any other VM and another good reason is that the usage of com.sun-classes is also version or release dependent of Sun's VM. If Sun decides to rename, repackage or somehow change the internal classes in a new VM release, e.g. 1.5.0_04, code relying on these classes will break as well. The implementors of such code should fix their part and no other VM vendor seem to find a reason to implement their VMs in such a fashion that broken code will run on them.


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