On Jun 1, 2005, at 4:59 AM, Erik Axel Nielsen wrote:


I just read about the "Summer of Code" at Slashdot [1]. The short story is
that Google pays $4500 to 200 students coding open source this summer.
Apache is one of the mentoring organizations and has put up a site with suggestions for coders [2]. Does anyone think that Harmony could be one of those suggestions? It would certainly give us a kick start. Google's site is
at [3]

I thought about it. I'm not sure we'd have a project for someone, but if we do, it's a good thing for us to do.

if not, I still urge anyone that has the time to help out in whatever way they can. I know that the ASF is providing some volunteer mentors, and I'm not sure if other organizations are doing the same.



Erik Axel Nielsen

http://developers.slashdot.org/developers/05/05/31/1959220.shtml? tid=217&tid
[2] http://wiki.apache.org/general/SummerOfCode2005
[3] http://code.google.com/summerofcode.html

Geir Magnusson Jr                                  +1-203-665-6437

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