
On Wed, 2005-07-06 at 21:40 +0530, Akhilesh Shirbhate wrote:
> $ svn checkout https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/harmony
>  I downloaded only to find that there is no code in the repository and
> there are only 54 files, most of which are site files in
> ./harmony/standard/site/
> Where can I get the codebase from ? Thanks in advance.

You got all of it. Apache Harmony is BUG FREE! :)

Currently we are just looking around at the different code bases out
there and deciding which architectures are good enough to adopt for
harmonization. Take a look at some of the code bases under discussion:

- https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/classpath/ (libraries)
- http://jamvm.sf.net/ (runtime)
- http://gcc.gnu.org/java/ (compiler, runtime, tools)
- http://kaffe.org/ (runtime, tools)
- http://jikesrvm.sourceforge.net/download/index.shtml
  (runtime + MMTk memory manager)

Pick and choose your solution and then tell us which combination you
think will be the killer harmony!



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