usman bashir wrote:
> hi!


>  i just want to get a permission from the community to put up a paper about 
> the harmony creation, development and its goals for future in a conference 
> about "OSS and their future" held in i just want to ask that if 
> i could put up it from harmony, if yes i will post the document to you 
> people and you can also review it as well.
>  Acutally this conference is being held to review and push the people here 
> to look for OSS and i want to add up some thing from i am just 
> asking a permission of you people.

Great! You should feel more than free to talk about harmony at a
conference (and the same holds for anyone :-)), and I do suggest you get
some community review since lots of people no doubt have some suggestions.

Unfortunately, you cannot state you're "representing" "Apache Harmony"
or "Apache", since well, you're not. The situation would be different if
you would be part of some "official" part of Apache, like if you were an
officer or a PMC member. You really wouldn't want to state something
like that, evil companies might sue you instead of the ASF :-)

But I just wouldn't worry about that too much. As you're probably going
to spend some time explaining it all, you can explain you're a part of
the apache harmony community and that you're going to (my assumption
here) help drive the project forward as a developer.

hope that clarifies it a bit,



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