
It's catch 22. There weren't any legitimate committers (because there was no initial code base) at the beginning of the project to "vote". Because of this, there needs to be a lower barrier of entry than a formal procedure. Otherwise I might suggest a segment of the willing go off and create an initial codebase in a CVS/SVN somewhere that is more open and then submit it. For a project with no code this seems a bit officious. Let the "likely" people in (Mladen for instance is an apache committer in good standing who has plans to do something) and then let Darwin sort them out. Then they can vote in committers in the normal way. The project needs code!!! Rather than being officious, the goal should be to facillitate every means possible to make that happen. It will be messy and there will be serveral misdirections but thats what a repository is for. Forward momentum.


Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

On Sep 20, 2005, at 9:11 AM, Davanum Srinivas wrote:


When folks have sent in their ACQ/ICLA, we should give them direct
commit access (after maybe a VOTE on the ppmc list). I really don't
like putting so many road blocks, what exactly are we waiting for?

What roadblocks are you talking about?

We certainly want a vote and not just make everyone who fills in paperwork a committer. I don't think we need a high bar to entry, but at least a patch, maybe? This is a good subject to discuss.

*Any* bulk contribution - i.e. code created outside of the day to day flow of the project by committers should come into a JIRA so the contribution can be inspected and understood to be a clearly delineated contribution. We will be keeping a record of all such contributions.


Assuming that all is well with the ACQ, this means that we can accept
the code you have put in the WIKI into SVN for people to start
playing with.  You will have to add the code to a JIRA entry for the
project, so you can definitively offer it under the Apache license.


Andrew C. Oliver
SuperLink Software, Inc.

Java to Excel using POI
Commercial support including features added/implemented, bugs fixed.

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