Why would people want to recompile libc?


On Oct 7, 2005, at 12:16 PM, Dan Lydick wrote:

It seems that not all versions of 'libc' are compiled
with the same flags.  Furthermore, the edition that I
am using (GCC 3.3.3 on Solaris 9) apparently does not
use all the same flags all the way around.  I am
suspicious of this because I was able to compile
everything but code that used fprintf(3) and sprintf(3)
with -fpack-struct, yet had to compile code that
invoked those library(3) calls _without_ it!  I am
really interested to see what other permutations of
this problem we find, and what solutions might present

Probably making _absolutely_ sure that this problem
goes away with a recompile of 'libc' is a very good
idea, whether considering optimization or not.  But
optimization itself is a long way down the road on
the code I put together.  I still have one module
that I'm finishing up, which Geir is aware of.  But
let's keep this 'libc' question on the table because
surely other people are going to run into it when
they look at the code and try compiling.

Dan Lydick


 I've been  writing code for embedded systems for quite a while and
faced many different kind of problems when mixing my code with someone else's libraries. The only way out to those problems was compiling my code with the same set of flags
of the library.

Since we got GNU libc code, my suggestion is, for each architecture, compile _ALL_ the C code
with the same set of C flags, including the libc.

In this way, the libc and the VM will be a monolithic executable which will not call the libc functions installed in the system. Yet, we will be free of optimizing the code
as we want.


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