
I took a look at the .jar.gz file yesterday and, even
though I had to work around what seemed to my JAR utility
as something other than a .jar format, I could tell that
it looked something like an autoconf-type script.  (I
have not yet looked at any updates since your first
message yesterday.)

I _definitely_ like the idea of automatic configuration
on the order of something smarter than what I have been
working with, as it will increase our flexibility in
porting.  I too have been working in this arena, and on
a number of issues, especially for Makefiles for the

I would like for you and I to get our heads together
on this soon.  I will be checking in my changes related
to this before the end of the week, at which time, I
think we could talk about using your approach.

Thanks for your interest and assistance with this.
I am looking forward to working with you!

*** How about you other folks who have ported code
    using autoconf and friends?  What do you think
    of this angle?  All suggestions welcome and
    indeed solicited. ***

Dan Lydick

> [Original Message]
> From: Jean-frederic Clere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
 > Date: 10/27/05 5:09:51 PM
> Subject: [BootJVM] configure
> Hi,
> I am now building the config/config.h using the configure files I have 
> prepared.
> The BootJVM specific options of the configure are:
>   --with-java=DIR         Specify the location of your JDK installation
>   --with-heap=TYPE        Heap allocation method: simple, bimodal or
>   --with-gc=TYPE          Garbage collection method: stub or other.
> The new file are in
> Any comments?
> Cheers
> Jean-Frederic

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