Hi Graham,

On Thu, 2005-10-27 at 10:03 +0100, Graham Smith wrote:
> I've been a Java developer (web applications mostly) for a longer than I care 
> to think about while sober but wouldn't know C from Perl. This makes me think 
> that, at present at least, I probably won't be able to have much input. 
> AIUI though harmony will eventually write it's own core class libraries 
> (java.util, java.sql, javax.swing, etc etc ) which is where I think I could 
> be most productive.
> What I suppose I am trying to ask is what area(s) do you think I would be 
> most 
> useful working in? What I am hoping is that someone with a good understanding 
> of the project will be able to point me in the direction of an overview or 
> towards areas that best fit my current skills which will help get me started. 
> I've not worked on a project this large before and it's quite daunting to be 
> faced with the whole project all at once.

OK, let me try to get you started.

Since you know things about web applications you might want to help out
testing large scale application servers. We got Jonas and JBoss working
now. See the links on http://gnu.wildebeest.org/diary/index.php?p=126 

But most of us are just low-level compiler/runtime/library hackers and
don't really know how to properly test it all. So someone experienced
with these kind of tools could find things that don't yet work as
expected and work with the library/runtime hackers to figure out why.
That would be excellent. For Jonas you will have to try out Fedora Core
RawHide (ask [EMAIL PROTECTED]), JBoss isn't packaged
yet, but should now kind of startup with jamvm (1.3.1) and GNU Classpath
from CVS (we will make a new developer snapshot release next week), or
you can try something smaller like Tomcat which has been packaged for
both Fedora and Debian (ask debian-java@lists.debian.org) these days and
should work with any GNU Classpath based runtime now.

Another area where we are seeing a lot of progress these days is Free
Swing. We have setup a page of Free Software applications that need to
be tested against the latest runtimes. These
Setting up similar pages for other parts, like AWT, CORBA or beans
applications would be super. Then we can regularly test them against
kaffe, gcj/gij or another runtime like bootjvm when it starts working.

Unit/regression tests are always welcome of course. So if you want do
help out "lower level" then take a look at http://sourceware.org/mauve
Although mauve has now more then 35.000 core library tests it certainly
doesn't have full coverage for all of the core library.

If you want to help out on the core libraries then take a look at the
open tasks in the wiki:
Please coordinate with the other developers on the classpath@gnu.org
list if you want to pick up one of these things.
In general the developer wiki has some nice information on what is being
done around the core library implementation:

Hope this gives some ideas where/how to start contributing.



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