George Harley1 wrote:
I would like to ask for some opinions on measuring how "correct" a new implementation of a J2SE class is. Consider if someone develops a clean

Very good question and one that is asked (and sometimes answered)
in various forms all the time on the Classpath mailing list. The
approach there has been pragmatic.. basically the comparision is
of course always versus what the JDK does. If the spec says nothing
but JDK behaves like X, then Classpath typically behaves like X, etc.
If the spec says X and the JDK does Y, then Classpath usually does X.

The harder cases are when the JDK behavior and spec disagree, or the
JDK has a bug but applications rely on that buggy behavior, etc.
These are taken case by case.


Archie Cobbs      *        CTO, Awarix        *

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