Enrico Migliore wrote:

Right now I got some problems which I'm planning to solve during the weekend,
here are two examples:

rvoid argv_init(int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
   rchar *chkjh;
   chkjh =  (rchar *) rnull;
   rchar *chkcp;     <--- MSVC flags this as a compilation error

..\jvm\src\argv.c(127) : error C2275: 'rchar' : illegal use of this type as an expression --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I remember banging my head into this same kind of problem some years
ago. You must always put variable definitions at the start of the
block; so the start of the function should probably go like this:

rvoid argv_init(int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
    rchar *chkjh = (rchar *) rnull;
    rchar *chkcp = (rchar *) rnull;
    rchar *chkbcp = (rchar *) rnull;

The problem is that
    chkjh = (rchar *) rnull;
is no longer an initialization, it is an assignment and these
two are different beasts altogether.

I seem to remember ANSI C requires this definitions-at-the-start
behaviour and MSVC seems to do it by the book. Hope I'm not
mistaken (I haven't actually used MSVC for quite some time).

-- Mika

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