On Nov 5, 2005, at 5:40 AM, Mark Wielaard wrote:

Hi Matt,

On Fri, 2005-11-04 at 06:57 -0800, Matt Benson wrote:

Shouldn't more care to be taken RE pointing people to
LGPL resources on this list as the compatibility
issues between the LGPL and Apache licenses are AFAIK
still unresolved?

There is no problem combining ASL and LGPL into a larger work (as long
as the distribution requirements of both parts are respected of course). But currently the "official apache rules" still don't allow for it. But we are working on changing that because so many apache projects want to
depend on LGPL projects like Hibernate, FreeChart, OpenOffice.org
document filters, etc. And the legal committee has a proposal to make it
happen that will hopefully be ratified by the Apache board during the
next ApacheCon. We are working under the assumption that all legal
problems will be cleared up in time. (L)GPL and ASL compatibility being
top priority of course :)

Lets not count our chickens here. The LGPL policy is still in the works, and may not allow anything but limited-time optional dependencies, and no re-distrubution of LGPL-ed artifacts.


Geir Magnusson Jr                                  +1-203-665-6437

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