One thing that's popped up on the "Test suite layout" thread is the thought that we need to b0rk the canonical package and naming conventions for unit tests in order to be able to run things on the boot classpath of the VM. I think this issue is important enough and fundamental enough to warrant it's own thread.

First, do we really need to do this? I thought that we (Tim and I) had informally discussed this at ApacheCon and came to some good conclusion where we were able to figure out a trick.

Second, shouldn't we think about providing a test environment in which we can completely control the environment - we can test the class library in a container that can be run in any VM so we have full control over security and other issues?

Of course, I'd like both. If we do have the "trick" that we talked about, then we can use canonical JUnit (or TestNG) naming and package conventions, which I think is important.


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