Mladen Turk <mturk <at>> writes:

> I think this is the ultimate question of the entire thread.
> Seems to me that when ever someone says something in the
> direction of replacing GNU/Classpath with something else,
> the voices are up.

Given that GNU Classpath isn't used in Harmony, it can't be 
replaced within Harmony. Harmony has its own class library,
and its own ways of doing things.

>  From ground up I'm opposed to this artificial synergy of
> ASF and GNU code, and until it gets resolved the Harmony
> project will never become a true ASF project.

There is no GNU code in Harmony. 

> The reason is pretty simple, we are two different communities,
> and just like in the real world, it's hard to merge the
> things with different views.

That's pretty easy, actually. You just chose one of them, at
whichever task they are better, and use that code, and throw away
the stuff you don't use. Been there, done that with Kaffe's old
class library.

It's just liberally licensed free software either way. Once GPL3
is released next year, the flow of code between the class libraries 
will work in at least one direction, so the discussions are pretty 
moot at this point anyway.

> So at the end of the day, you have a simple question:
> Is Harmony a way to give a JVM to the GNU/Classpath,
> or is a Harmony a project that will some day have option
> to choose between different 'classpath' libraries.

The latter.

> If it's the first, the entire thing has nothing to do
> with ASF, and if it's a second, then I don't understand why
> all the fuzz about a different perspective proposals.

I don't think the fuzz really matters, anyway. Just go for whatever
makes sense for you, and we'll merge things if we ever fix the 
politics inside the ASF or FSF. If not, so be it, no harm done by
having more free code out there.

dalibor topic

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