I need sync. with repository once a day, for example, in the morning to get
yours and Tim's last updates :-) . And during a working day I may do dozen
workspace builds. So each build will verify whether used jar files (I think
we will have a number of them) are up to date or not. Right? Is this

Also there is possibility that the next version of some jar will break the
build, for example, a bug may be introduced in a new jar's version and
Harmony tests will start to fail. Because a jar'a update is done "secretly"
(I don't like this) by the build script nobody will notice that. So one day
some of us will have to solve a mystery puzzle: why the last minor update
breaks everything :-)

If everybody OK with network build let's have it, but please add a special
property, like George suggested:


On 2/14/06, Geir Magnusson Jr <geir <at>pobox.com> wrote:
> Stepan Mishura wrote:
> > And to detect whether it is stale or not you need network. Right?
> If you have a network, then you get it.  If you don't have a network,
> then it doesn't matter if it's stale or not, because there is nothing
> you can do about it anyway.
> The assumption is that you keep the whole tree up to date - therefore,
> while a given dependency may be stale, it's no more stale than your
> tree, so you can still work until you get back online.
> If you update code, and don't update deps into the local repository,
> it's your problem :)
> geir

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