karan malhi wrote:

Thanks for such a detailed reply. I have a couple of  more questions:

1. Do I have to sign and fax back the questionnaire before I start working on harmony ?

It would be good to have that information, yes. We want to be able to demonstrate the provenance of our code, and this is a major element in the system.

2. I know this is dumb but I saw in some previous posts that the tests were being compiled with jrockit.

You can compile with whatever you want.

However, we're trying to always move closer to self-hosting, so we've been specifying the eclipse compiler in the ant build scripts.

So what I would do is mimic what we already have going on there.

I guess I can use any compiler (sun) without causing any licensing issues - right?

Absolutely. Use whatever compiler you choose.

And even if there was an issue w/ the binary, you would only be contributing the source code anyway.

Sorry, but I am very poor
with this licensing stuff. Just want to make sure I am playing within the rules of the game.

No one here is a lawyer - it's hard for all of us...


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