Weldon Washburn wrote:

I finally got JCHEVM to compile and run "hello world" with gnu
classpath.  My next step is to replace gnu classpath with harmony
class lib.   For anyone interested, below is the workarounds I used:

Unzip /usr/local/classpath/share/classpath/glibj.zip to
Unzip ....../jchevm/java/jc.zip to /usr/local/unzipped_jc
In ......./jchevm/libjc/native/Makefile, replace the line:
JAVAH_CMD = $(JAVAH) -classpath $(top_srcdir)/java/jc.zip:$(cpdir)/glibj.zip
JAVAH_CMD = $(JAVAH) -classpath /usr/local/unzipped_jc:/usr/local/unzipped_glibj
The above now allows ...../jchevm/Makefile to build jc.exe.  In
specific, jcjavah.exe generates the expected *.h files and no longer
causes the build to abort.
Running jc.exe with jc.zip and glibj.zip does not work, however,
running jc.exe with unzipped classes does work.  I put hello.class in
the same directory as jc.exe and use the following invocation line:

"./jc.exe --classpath=.

I don't know what the specific problem is.  But it probably has
something to do with how zip.c is making Cygwin calls.

Weldon Washburn
Intel Middleware Products Division

Hi Waldon, Ivan and Archie

since I'm writing a brief but detailed HOWTO document that explains how to get JCHEVM + Classpath-0.20 running on Cygwin, I need to know a few things:


1. How come you had to make the workaround? Ivan built JCHEVM without it.
I need to know that because I would like the HOWTO to be as universal as possible.

2. How long would it take to you to "adapt" JCHEVM to interface Classlib?

3. I figure that once you're done with the port, we'll have to build Classlib on Cygwin. Right?


I noticed that Ivan introduced the macro __CYGWIN__. Did you merge the macro in the source tree, or it exists only in Ivan's code?


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