Hi all,
    On behalf of ITC (Cordoba Institute of Technology)from Argentina.I
want to offer a code contribution of the 
following packages:
- java.math    (led by Daniel Fridlender)
- java.crypto  (led by Miguel Montes)
- java.rmi     (led by Daniel Gándara)
Last year the ITC decided to start a "clean-room" java package
project; now we are proud to make this donation and we hope it be
accepted as a valid 
contribution (which we believe it is).
Having said this, I do have a few questions:
a) Next Steps?
  which are the next steps? we have read the contribution policy and we
ok with that; we'll send aditional questions regarding documents to be 
signed on a separated email.
b) Harmony 1.5?
we have developed J2SE 1.5 compliant/dependant packages -following the
of harmony project-; but we see that currently Harmony is not 1.5 but
Is there an schedule or plan to get Harmony J2SE 1.5?
c) Some still missing components...
we have checked some pre-conditions before making this announcement and
found that there are some components we need (i.e.: concurrent) which
not on Harmony yet.  Is someone working on those missing components?
we'll be waiting for comments,
Ing. Iris Gastañaga
Executive Director
Instituto Tecnológico Córdoba
Córdoba Business Tower, Piso 15
Tel: +54 (351) 5710022 / 23
PS: we will send mails with specific package information.
PS1: we do know that java.math and java.crypto have already been
but we do believe our code is a valid donation.
PS2: for each package we have developed a set of test cases (public api)

that we are willing to donate too.

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