Iris Gastañaga wrote:
> Hi all,
>     On behalf of ITC (Cordoba Institute of Technology)from Argentina.I
> want to offer a code contribution of the 
> following packages:
> - java.math    (led by Daniel Fridlender)
> - java.crypto  (led by Miguel Montes)
> - java.rmi     (led by Daniel Gándara)
> Last year the ITC decided to start a "clean-room" java package
> development 
> project; now we are proud to make this donation and we hope it be
> accepted as a valid 
> contribution (which we believe it is).

That is fantastic Iris! thanks.

> Having said this, I do have a few questions:
> a) Next Steps?
>   which are the next steps? we have read the contribution policy and we
> are 
> ok with that; we'll send aditional questions regarding documents to be 
> signed on a separated email.

We can help with a quick overview of the contribution requirements for
acceptance -- that would be the logical next steps.  Looks like the
other questions have been pulled out into separate threads, so let's
deal with them there.


> b) Harmony 1.5?
> we have developed J2SE 1.5 compliant/dependant packages -following the
> specs 
> of harmony project-; but we see that currently Harmony is not 1.5 but
> 1.4. 
> Is there an schedule or plan to get Harmony J2SE 1.5?
> c) Some still missing components...
> we have checked some pre-conditions before making this announcement and
> we 
> found that there are some components we need (i.e.: concurrent) which
> are 
> not on Harmony yet.  Is someone working on those missing components?
> we'll be waiting for comments,
> Sincerely,
> Ing. Iris Gastañaga
> --------------------------------------------------
> Executive Director
> Instituto Tecnológico Córdoba
> Córdoba Business Tower, Piso 15
> Tel: +54 (351) 5710022 / 23
> ---------------------------------------------------
> PS: we will send mails with specific package information.
> PS1: we do know that java.math and java.crypto have already been
> donated, 
> but we do believe our code is a valid donation.
> PS2: for each package we have developed a set of test cases (public api)
> that we are willing to donate too.


IBM Java technology centre, UK.

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