Tim Ellison wrote:
Is there some way to teach JIRA not to send so much mail?

Stop using it as a chat room. :)

Every state change produces mail to the world - even though it is likely
only of interest to the reporter, assignee, and watchers.  i.e. any way
to solve the problem rather than move it ;-)

Every change should be visible to everyone for maximum transparency, or so I believe. It would be a pain in the rear if one had to explicitly sign up for each jira one was interested in.

That said, once the VM activity gets really honking, we'll probably need a second stream for those...



Leo Simons wrote:
Taking care of this now...

I will note that this makes it even more important for committers and
active contributors to subscribe to the commits mailing list - a lot of
important information is in those jira messages.

I will also note that it *also* makes it even more important that Jira
is not used for discussion - that really needs to happen here on the
mailing list where  everyone can track it. The ASF has had some bad
experience in the past with too much communication going via the issue
tracker; this isn't so much a guideline as it is a pretty hard

- Leo

On Tue, Mar 07, 2006 at 08:17:45AM -0600, Archie Cobbs wrote:
Mark Hindess wrote:
Geir,  There are quite a lot of JIRA messages these days, perhaps it
is time to split the JIRA traffic to a separate list with a reply-to
set to harmony-dev.  Or perhaps just have them sent to the commit
Yes, please... +1e6


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