On Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 01:12:33PM -0800, Leo Simons wrote:
> Dalibor,
> On Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 09:46:16AM -0800, Dalibor Topic wrote:
> > On Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 10:32:19AM -0500, Etienne Gagnon wrote:
> > > 5- The ASF provides me with an official, legally binding document,
> > >  signed by officers that have sufficient rights to do so, stating that
> > >  it will only sub-license (distribute, etc.) code contributed by SableVM
> > >  authors (can be identified specifically) and derivatives of this code,
> > >  under licenses that require explicit acknowledgment of the copyright
> > >  of these authors and that require redistribution of the related text
> > >  found in the NOTICE file.  [I have no trouble letting the ASF lawyers
> > >  come up with some text proposal.  I would highly suggest reusing words
> > >  off the Apache License 2.0 to do so.  I can even propose some text, if
> > >  you wish me to do so.]
> > 
> > Is the intent that you want to be able to claim copyright on VMs linking
> > to Harmony's VM modules?
> Huh?
> Regardless of intent (something I can't answer for obviously), how would that
> possibly be a valid claim? Attribution of A with regard to X is not in any
> way related to copyright of A with regard to Y, right?

Sure, but that's something a downstream user wouldn't want to have to court 
over, if they can avoid it. If a downstream user ends up using a module from 
Harmony in their VM, and if some SableVM developer regards such use as creating 
a derivative work, that he has a shared copyright in, that that can
lead to no end of confusion over the actual license of a VM using
modules from Harmony, if the SableVM developer believes to have a say in

I'm asking since going to court over disagreement of Kaffe's license's effects 
has been explained to me by some SableVM developers as a possible consequence 
of using SableVM's code in the past, so we have avoided using their code
to protect our end users and distributors from potential lawsuits. I'd
like to be able to use code in Harmony without fear of being dragged to court
for copyright infringement, if I interpret the license on my own code
differently from some SableVM developer, no matter which license it is.

dalibor topic

> Leo *scratches head a lot these days* Simons

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