
On Mon, Mar 27, 2006 at 11:07:51AM +0200, mr A wrote:
> On Monday 27 March 2006 10:14, mr B wrote:
> > On 3/27/06, mr C wrote:
> > [SNIP]
> > > [SNIP]
> > > > [SNIP]
> > > > > On 1/1/2006, mr D wrote:
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > [SNIP]
> >
> > Hmmm... Lemme support [SNIP]
> Now let me support [SNIP].

The ASF front page says

  (...) "The Apache projects are characterized by a collaborative, consensus
  based development process, " (...)

That's not just some boilerplate. Consensus is a useful thing.

"How should we organize our tests?" has now been the subject of debate for
*months* around here, and every now and then much of the same discussion is

I think it would be more productive to look for things to agree on (such as,
"we don't know, but we can find out", or "we have different ideas on that,
but there's room for both", or "this way of doing things is not the best one
but the stuff is still useful so let's thank the guy for his work anyway")
than to keep delving deeper and deeper into these kinds of disagreements.

Of course, the ASF front page doesn't say that "apache projects are
characterized by a *productive* development process". Its just my feeling that
for a system as big as harmony we need to be *very* productive.

Think about it. Is your time better spent convincing lots of other people to do
their testing differently, or is it better spent writing better tests?

Anyhoo. *I* am going to stop participating in this discussion :-)



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